Wednesday, April 27, 2011

White House releases official Birth Certificate

In a surprise to the White House Press Core, the Director of Communications handed out a copy of the actual birth certificate of President Barack Obama. In the past they have only released the electonic copy of live birth.

The White House released the long form of President Barack Obama's birth certificate Wednesday,

Of course when Donald Trump heard of this he said that "After all these years I was the only person to get our President to release his actual birth certificate" Really Mr. Trump do you think it was finally you who was able to do this? I suspect that Obama and his team wanted to finally put to rest the whole issue and knock Trump down a few points in the polls.

I bet that Trump and his group will claim that this is a fake, or he'll say something like the signatures don't match. We've not heard the last of this from Trump because he has nothing else to run on, if in fact he does plan on actually running.

So Mr. Trump, Obama has come clean on his birth certificate, now it's your turn to come clean on your financial statements. Let's see if you are really worth 2.9 billion, or this is just another lie from the reality television star.

Until next time!

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