Monday, August 1, 2011

Bachmann is just nuts!

Michele Bachmann was to appear in Iowa on Monday, but she's flying back to Washington to be ready to vote against the bill.

I've been watching with great interest the whole Debt Ceiling crisis in the United States, and have held back my comments until now. Michelle Bachmann who very well could be the GOP's candidate for President is just as bad as Sarah Palin when it comes to the facts surrounding the mess the United States has got itself into.

Here's a quote from CNN by Michelle Bachmann...

"This isn't the deal the American people 'preferred' either, Mr. President,"
Bachmann said in her response. "Someone has to say 'no.' I will."
"Mr. President, I'm not sure what voice you're listening to, but I can assure
you that the voice of the American people wasn't the voice that compelled
Washington to act," she said in a statement after the president announced a deal
with congressional leaders Sunday night. "It was you that got us into this mess,
and it was you who wanted a $2.4 trillion blank check to get you through the

Really Michelle! The debt ceiling is not tied to new spending, it's tied to spending that has already taken place. For example Michelle, when your former leader, George W. Bush took office he was left by Bill Clinton a massive budget surplus and a national debt that was a quarter of what it is now. It was George W. Bush who used the United States credit card to finance 2 wars, a drug benefit program that costs billions, and let's not forget tax breaks for the top 2% of Americans. Bush's idea was that if you give tax breaks to the richest Americans they would use that money to invest in jobs. Well how's that working for you Republicans?

Also let's not forget the Billions that was used to bail out the banks, and Wall Street that all occured during the dying days of the Bush Administration. Obama was sworn in 2009, and the government was operating on the budget of the Bush Administration and not Obama.

So Michelle the 2.4 Trillion blank check that you talk about is to pay for spending that's already taken place and it's not for new spending. 2/3 of this problem is that caused by George Bush, and 1/3 is Obama's. Michelle these are the true facts, and we all know you love laying the blame all on Obama, but maybe you and your party should take a nice long look in the mirror next time to see who's really to blame of all this mess.

Until next time!

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