Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tea Party or Nut Party, you decided!

I watched the other night the CNN/TEA PARTY Debate and was just shocked at how far right the Republican party gone since Obama has become President.

The highlight of the night was when a question was asked about a 30 year old man with no health insurance and if he needed emergency medical attention who should pay for it. The question was directed towards Ron Paul. His response was that the man or anybody else made a choice not to have insurance and therefore he should pay. When Wolf Blitzer said do you mean if he dies then he dies because he did not have insurance, and the audience went nuts and were heard screaming that he should pay, and let him die..

What! I have to say that these Tea Party members are so right wing that they make George W. Bush look like a Liberal. If the tea party has their way the American government would be 2 guys sitting in a room and they would be the President and Vice President.

The Tea Party movemennt has taken over the Republican party and the 8 people seeking the Republican nomination, maybe except Mitt Romney are catering to the Tea Party members of the Republican Party. Rick Perry from Texas, who at one point wanted Texas to leave the United States now calls the Social Security System a big Ponzi scam, and he would get rid of the whole system if elected.

What's sad is that one of these Republicans might just get elected as President, unless Obama gets his true mojo back.

The best thing would be for Sarah Palin to enter the race and win the nomination as she won't beat Obama in a general election, but someone like Rick Perry might.

Until next time!

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