Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Born in the U.S.A. - Maybe not!

Back when President Barack Obama was elected, and for that matter even before the election, there were a vast number of Americans who felt that he was not born in the United States and therefore not entitled to run for the office of President. All of this hoopla kind of went away, but recently has re-surfaced again.
Here's a link to a website called Obama Crimes. this website is just one of many websites out in cyberspace that claim that Obama is not American or that he was not even born in the United States.
Here's a YouTube report which also says he's not American..

Is it just me or has some of my American friends just gone nuts! He's produced copies of his birth certificate which clearly shows that he was born in Hawaii.

Last night on Anderson Cooper's 360 on CNN, it was one of the lead stories as a group of Republicans in the House and Senate want to hold hearings on this issue. So with America facing so many problems these days, don't you think it's about time for all the non-belivers to just give it up, and work together to fix the problems facing America. I think the time has come to put this issue to rest once and for all, and just move on.

1 comment:

  1. Steve: When I look at your page, the jpg that shows his birth certificate doesn't load. THis is obviously proof positive that the birth certificate does not exist.. ergo...

    And to answer your question: Yes, many Americans have apparently gone nuts.
